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Old 07-30-2002, 10:10 PM   #1
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2
Default Numerical Experience

I see people setting up mods/skins using the graphical bar along with a percentage. Is there a way to add a numerical form along with the graphical form? Say beneath the experience graphic bar, one could put: 'Current_XP' / 'Total_XP'.

Current_XP being how much you've gain in the current level and the Total_XP being the total amount of experience you need to ding? I know a lot of people would love to see in implemented into the game. Just isn't a true form of RPG'ing without some form of a numerical experience output.

For some, looking at this bar is fine and dandy being they don't mind looking at pretty colors and pretty pictures, however; some of us would like to know some true hard fact with our envolvement in the game.

Another thing many people have been talking about. This green bar that is in reference for the pets heath, many people said they could careless on the pet's life. What people really would like to see is replace the person's green bar (their pet) with a blue bar that references to the person's mana. Instead of asking all the time what everyone's mana is like, why not see their mana bar?
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