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Old 10-13-2002, 05:48 AM   #33
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 2
Angry About the monks---

About the monks....

Ummmm...Can't Human Monks wear plate? Duh! Yes, they can.

So does that mean they're a "plate" class to Verant?

Where does that leave the Ikies?

And Ikies have a higher AC than human monks...Boy, human monks are MORE screwed now.

I must admit that I have yet to see a Tank that can hold agro against a monk. (unless they're a pally.)

This change could be devestating to the Monk class if Verant pulls their normal "Oops, we screwed up. Again....Welcome to the "new" Bard class to Verant...monks."

Things they SHOULD've looked at for monks:

1--Watch the Stuns...sheesh..On countless occassions Ive watched my health drop 4 bubs in about 3 seconds from a pull...just from being hit and stunned.

2--Give the Tanks more freakin' ways to get the agro...perhaps a /spit skill? (Heck at master lvl you could increase the chance to blind'em)
give the Enchanters BETTER agro increasing spells..the ones they have now suck.

We're already out in the open......tappin' the mob on the shoulder, offering them a smoke.. then haulin' butt back to our buds waiting to try to pry'em off us..even after an FD.

One last thing....SAY NOOOOO to EQ 2......tell them bastards that they have the get the FIRST One RIGHT BEFORE you can make a 2..sheesh...common sense peeps...look at sucked.

Sorry, I'm tired...cranky..and down right disappointed in Verant (yet again)..I thought I was safe this time from them...nope...
my Enc dies in .000005 seconds from a tank who "forgot" to taunt..My bard..umm..well.. you know Verant and bards...My druid...hell, even at master in 1h blunt still can't finish off a mob with 4 HP left...and now my monk....whats next? Oh yeah...Complete Heal...doesn't really complete heal...well thats an Oximoron...kinda like Verant, 'We care what you have to say about our games."

Kill'em all and left the Gods sort'em 10 days we can kill the Gods....aww hell, there goes that saying.

Night peeps sorry for the rant,

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