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Old 10-15-2002, 07:50 AM   #3
A Snow Cougar
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 41


Absolutely, incredible.

Here's what I like about it, so you know what to keep:

1. All the information is logically placed. Meaning, I don't have to go searching around my inventory screen just to find what I need in terms of HP, AC, exp, hell even my name if I'm a moron ( )... that in and of itself makes it a useful inventory. Here's what makes it a great one:

2. The concept of the junction of visual information ques with necessary interaction: AKA - the lines coming from the body part to the inventory slot. At first it helps you get accustomed to using the inventory, and later will help you visually grasp what you need to interact with. Its the reason I like using both the numerical and graphical representation of my HP... it gives me a good idea what I'm looking at *quickly*.

3. Its relatively compact considering the artistic merit it has achieved. There's no 'fluff', everything looks like it is where it should be, and while there is 'empty space' between different 'objects', the space is transparent... meaning while maybe larger than a 'mini' inventory, it won't completely obstruct your vision, and may even be slightly less obtrusive than even the tiniest of inventories.

4. Artistically speaking, I think there can be no doubt, it is quite appealing to the eye.

I like it, and I explained why

Personally, assuming all the XML is working properly, I think by rights you could release this now.

Perhaps the only thing you could change from what I can see is the destroy button... I'd put it maybe in the upper right hand corner. The only reason is that the destroy button makes me nervous when its so close to other commonly pressed buttons like AA and 'Done'. But thats really minor.

Definately a 'ten naner'
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