Thread: Help w/ UI mods
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Old 10-17-2002, 02:45 PM   #12
Credendo Vides
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You can either "Copy of" or (again, my preference) is to make the NEW one in the other window refer to that window. I know, that doesn't make sense, but I don't know how to properly say it, so I'm going to give you an example.

For example, if you want to put the Player HP guage in the Target Window, this is what you would do:

The original Player HP guage in the Player Window stays the same name, you've just made it invisible (method already discussed).

The NEW Player HP guage in the Target Window, you would re-name to be TW_Player HP Guage. TW_ stands for Target Window.

Another example:

If you were adding a casting bar to the Player Window, you would name it PW_Casting Guage. PW_ for Player Window.

See what I mean?

That also allows you to have the same item in as many windows as you want, all with distinct names so EQ doesn't choke on the "duplicate items" ... without the last one being named:

CopyofCopyofCopyofCopyofCopyofPlayer HP Gauge.

Make sense?
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