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Old 10-21-2002, 07:29 AM   #12
A Treant
Join Date: Sep 2002
Server: Zebuxoruk
Posts: 22

Well i was gonna try and make a jpeg kinda of what i meant... LOL dang i like that other button placement.. esp nice for any type of caster, ESP bard (me hehe) cause i'm always switching out spells and hotkeys depending on what i need to do... a spell may go into slot 2 normally, but 5 or 6 for kiting, 3 for grouping etc... that is sweeeeeet...

Anyhow, i was gonna try and make curves like on quartz but i got to playing and got distracted, but the purple piping look is kinda what i had in mind (like lining the curves w/the purple, and keeping the rest basic black) Anyhow like i said i got distracted and played around, and this is a jpeg only, i don't know a lick of xml or how to make tga files... i was just trying to show the look of what i meant... substitute quartz, and substitute purple piping to define the curves instead of different shades, and that is kinda what i meant hehehe... except i couldn't get it to look as metallic as i meant, but this is a start...
Ok i couldn't figure out how to get an image to work, so please go here:

Anyhow, i can kinda make a pretty picture, i just have no idea how to make it into a functional ui kinda thing... (i also don't have a character who has AA points so if that's not the right format for them, forgive me... also if i got any font colors etc. wrong forgive me... i couldn't recall what they look like off the top of my head)
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