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Old 10-24-2002, 03:14 PM   #35
An Icepaw Kobold
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 80

When I'm in the buyer mode, the thing that irritates me the most is the "commercials". Especially the outrageous ones: /ooc "Buy Item XYZ from me! Only 20K, cheapest in the Bazaar"
Guess what? If I've got 20K, I know what I'm going to buy and I'm going to be looking specifically for that item. That's why there's a search option in the first place. So on entering the bazaar ooc's and shout's are off. Too irritating for my tastes.

In Trader mode, it's always irritating to come back and find someone standing right in front of you. If I can't find an open spot for my mule, she doesn't go into trader. I don't go hijack someone else's spot.

Another frustrating thing to me is the price gouging. I'm all for using your skills to make a profit, but I've seen high-level mages selling some of the really nice summoned focus items for 500, even 1000pp. To me, that seems a bit outrageous for a No Rent item. Selling them is fine, in my opinion, but at a reasonable price, please. These items help tons in raids, etc., and take time and mana, so I don't expect them to be free, but some of the prices!

Okay /rant off
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