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Old 10-24-2002, 11:20 PM   #39
Manaetic Prototype IX
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Default Just decided to scan a few traders...

While waiting for my wife to find some of her items, I decided to scan a few traders for the hell of it, and my god! This one merchant (which I hope was just playing around) was selling items that were mega overpriced. She (as much as I would love to print the individuals name, but I won't for the sake I dont want this individual flamed by people) was selling the lowliest of items (though not as lowly as fishing grubs) spider silks for 30p a piece. Now I was thinking okay maybe a mistake? Well I searched more, a Ranged item Razor Fungus Claws (which I have seen sold for as high as 1p--must be rather common) and they were selling it for 50p! Okay I thought... kinda pricey.. once again a mistake maybe (other traders were selling it for, at the time, 5g). Then perusing even further, I saw a claw, so I checked it out... hmmm a Burynai Digmaster's Claw (rather common item seen a few of those in my travels) usually sells for about 3p a pop... nope.. she was selling it for 5,000! In fact all her items were not priced less (minus the spider silk and Razor fungus claws) 5,000! And most of them were common items... Leather Tunic was selling for 10,000.. now thats gutsy or just playing around...


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