Thread: Concept Phase
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Old 11-23-2002, 12:29 AM   #6
A Ghoul
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 11

Any way I could find out who it was that made it happen, however memory intensive it was? There are usually ways to cheat and make things happen even if they shouldn't. If someone got it to work on one globe, then there should be a way to both clean up the code, and figure a way for all the globes to reference a chunk of code, so as to prevent extreme lag.

On the suggestion of having the UI curve away from the center of the screen, I understand the point, but I guess I never explained my reasons for not doing it in the first place... I wanted to make sure that the UI would be scalable, meaning, I wouldn't have to do 9 versions of it to satisfy differing tastes in resolution. The only way to make a UI scalable is to have floating content, and I wanted to have as much of the "heavy usage" as possible appear in one grouping. By having the UI taper at the edges, it allows both UI sections to remain centered at the top and bottom of the screen. The example shown is at 800 x 600, so most people would have still more room in the middle to see the "game world".

I very much appreciate the suggestions, and please, if you know where/who it was that made the vertical gauge happen before, please let me know. I'd like to talk to them and take a look at the code.


Found the thread where the gauge was done - I'm gonna carefully review the code to see if there is a way to clean it up. There's gotta be a way to make this happen without 100 separate "fill this gauge" commands. I'll work on a way to loop it.

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