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Old 11-29-2002, 01:41 PM   #15
A Ghoul
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 10

Originally posted by Woody
Roy Eltham explained the need to keep graphics no larger than 256 as being an old video card issue.

I do not remember the make and model, and the vast majority of folks will NEVER have the problem, but some old video cards can't handle anything more that 256 in one direction. So if you tell it to use a 512 image, it smishes it down to 256 then stretches it back up to 512. Which really jacks with image quality.

With graphics rich skins such as TKings... you don't want the quality to suffer like that.

Again most folks will NOT have this problem.

An OLD video card issue?
No offense to anyone, but I thought people wouldn't forget that fast...

Remember in the good old days when all the hardcore EQ players had Voodoos? When 3DFX went out of business, video card prices went up. Up high.

Many people, like me, haven't upgraded since. Instead of buying a $500 GeForce and upgrading one component of my computer, making it slightly faster, I instead used my money on a faster CPU--my Voodoo3 2000 PCI works fine still. But, many people had the same dilemma as me.

That old graphics card issue will affect everyone using a 3DFX Voodoo 4 or below. None of those Voodoo cards can handle anything higher then 256x256. 512x512 will lag them into the floor, as it will need to be rendered via CPU only. And you know how EQ works with CPU.

So, please reconsider... There are many Voodoo users who wonder why tKing's inventories appear as if they were cropped in half and stretched out to cover the surface as a 256x256 surface... That's why. That's the old fix most newer Voodoo drivers have for the issue.

So, use 512x512s for inception, but when you release it, please, chop it up into 4 different 256x256s. If you don't... The nana will come after you.
You know you're on Xegony when your group cleric charges you for a rez, and your rogue thinks she's a shaman/mage/wizard/druid hybrid by being able to chug potions.
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