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Old 12-05-2002, 01:04 PM   #14
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 4

Ok redid the whole thing and still getting these errors ?UIErrorLog created at Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_ConfirmationDialog.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterSelect.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_FacePick.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_NoteWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_AAWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_CursorAttachment.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_FriendsWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_TrainWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_BankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_Container.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_QuantityWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_LootWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_ActionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsSelectWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_TradeWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_GiveWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_InspectWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_SocialEditWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_HelpWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_BugReportWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu Dec 05 12:10:59 2002] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Afton\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
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