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Old 12-08-2002, 02:16 AM   #1
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Item Info window question...

Have a question and maybe nobody can or will answer cause of the nature of it.

We have all the seen the large amount of fake items in EQ lately. Tonight I was introduced to the fact that you can actually fake a link in game. Maybe you could do it for a long time, but I just saw it today.

I can see how to create the fake info window, what I do not see how to do is hijak the button that creates the link.

From what I see the only 2 pieces to the item info window are the description (presumably a text box generated by the server) and the link button (whose function is generated by the server as well I assume).

So how are people able to manipulate what data that button links to?

I ask because it seems to me a pretty big security hole in EQ if you can cause the server to perform a function it wasn't designed for. Opens up some nasty doors that IMO should be fixed.

So my intent here is to find out how to do it and submit a (or possibly just A-nother) bug report to get it fixed. Any help would be appreciated..
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