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Old 12-11-2002, 11:07 AM   #36
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3

Hello all...

Sorry I haven't updated these in a while; I just kinda lost focus on this in the midst of everything else I've been doing and haven't really felt like or had the time to mess with it.

I've been working on a complete redo of the interface with my spare time lately, highly customized to my tastes. Due to its ever-changing state, it most likely won't ever see public release. Eventually, I may end up posting a pic of it on the pre-beta section to see what kind of response I get - which may or may not further inspire me to prep it for a public release.

As for the target bars... well, they're pretty much in limbo. I might get some spurt of inspiration one day and pop out another, but it's not likely at this time. If anyone feels like resizing and recoding them, please, be my guest. All I ask is that I'm given credit for the original artwork.


ps - kasca, please stop bumping this thread...
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