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Old 12-12-2002, 06:22 PM   #7
A Ghoul
Join Date: Dec 2002
Server: Saryrn
Posts: 13

The Alt + M ( menu ) is stuck in the bottom left corner, I tried unlocking it and moving the ui around but still can't manage to drag it up into veiw. I assume you missed this setting when changing it over to 1024x768.

Also going to look into a mod to lay the window selector buttons and spell gems horizontal embedded into that top border graphic.
maybe someone will get to this befor me. great job btw..


I have found that by editing the Y axis setting for ActionWindow in the UI_Name_##.ini file to something more like 100 rather then 728 of a possible 768 on a 1024x768 resolution that this can put the buttons onto the screen where you can see them. This is livable but still bugged.

okay that makes the box visable, great right.. but you still can't drag and resize the dang thing right? okay well now you get to open up your text editor and play with some XML if you want. The settings for resizing this window are near the very end of the file you will find a size setting "313" which i would say make about "213" or so.. you can play with this number to reset the height of the window. also right in that area you will see other options "true" & "false" which just work as option switches for this. so you can toggle it being resizeable, minimizeable, with a border, header and so on.

okay, well hope this helps someone work out bugs in there UI's that is or was as clueless as me earlier today. pretty simple stuff really just conbined to look complicated.

make backups of files you edit befor editing also so you can refer back to them just incase you mess up.. =)
Amost - 60th High Priest - Saryrn
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