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Old 08-07-2002, 06:56 AM   #11
A Shissar Disciple
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just my 2 cp :

Jauges by themselves give more information than a percentage : if you use jauge with small line as zoom in current buble , 1 % is 1 quarter of a bubble on the thin line... No need to say 1 quarter of bubble is more than 1 pixel wide and so u have a better precision with jauge. Even a simple jauge is more accurate , since they are more than 100 pixels wide ( ok , i admit, for this one , it is much easier to look at a percentage than to count the number of pixels ).

What i feel is each one have its interests :

ultra fast check with simple jauge ( u only have to take a really fast look to know how good / bad it is ), when time really counts.

fast and accurate measure with percentage when u consider u can lose some time , but not too much, for a good accuracy.( u have to read 1 number for that )

Ultra precise measurement with zoom-integrated jauge when time nearby does not count , where u can have better than 1/1000th measure ( takes longer due to the need to assimilate 2 distincts informations and calculate the one you want from that)

So yes, there is no need to put percent values everywhere, but there is some places where they are useful.

Of course , what i said here is about non resized jauges but even if you do really big jauges , it would be hard to put more than 3 or 4 screen-wide jauges where some people want 6 of them , not counting grp and grp pets.

Psychogears : for xp for example , i feel that is one of the less interesting percentage , because the jauge is much more accurate and time really doesn't matter when u read XP.

and still for Psychogears : I just love the jauges u made and shown on forum, and yes , with such nice loooking jauges , percentage is just useless
Sylviania Delaforet
Ranger of Tunare , The Mother Of All
Seeker of Divinity
Rallos Zek Server
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