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Old 02-04-2003, 05:02 AM   #1
A Bat
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Default Kalu's UI Public Release

Melee Version:

Caster Version:

Here are the downloads:

Melee Version:

Caster Version:

The screenshots are quite dark, but they should give you an idea about how the UI looks like. I used some art of Thomas King, that includes the Spell Icons, the Spellbook, the Class Animations, the Compass and the Gauges. Thanks to Thomas for his awesome work.

To install the UI just unzip ALL files into your MAIN Everquest directory, all files will go into the correct directories. Then insert the name of your character and the number of your server into the UI_MeleeName_00.ini or into the UI_CasterName_00.ini that you now can find in your Everquest directory (example: Rename UI_MeleeName_00.ini into UI_Kalu_46.ini if your character is named Kalu on the Sullon Zek Server (I bet he is not =P)).

My UI is optimized for a resolution of 1024x768, if you are using a lower or higher resolution, you have to unlock each window and have to move it to the place you want it.

Have fun with it and post your suggestions/comments here. :-)
Kalu Werwutz
Lvl 63 Rogue
Sullon Zek
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