Thread: Industrial skin
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Old 08-10-2002, 04:23 AM   #11
A Treant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 22

downloaded it and started playing around with it.

A few things that need/should be tweaked:

1. the scroll bar, chat line and left side of the chat window is covered by the "target" window's border.

2. the "percent" for the target and group members is just too hard to read as a red color. i changed mine to white.

3. the target's name is hard to read due to the color of the graphics behind it. also, the "percent" for the targets health covers the end of the target's name if it is a longish name. not a huge problem really (i just moved the percent over to the left into the beveled area).

I love it. right now I'm just testing it on one of my alts but after I get photoshop reinstalled (my secondary HD with all my apps and downloads failed a few days ago) I will play around with the group box.

one last thing... the green gem on the right of the chat window is pretty and all, but i'm going to expand the hotkeys window to include the inventory , primary, secondary and range slots.

this is a great UI and makes playing with the "new everquest" so much more entertaining.
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