Thread: Daellig 2.0
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Old 03-11-2003, 09:57 AM   #14
A Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 34
Interface Author - Click to view interfaces

okay I cannot click my spell gems they just sit there what is going on?

Try pressing Alt+S twice in a row. If you are referring to the Buffs, press Alt+B twice in a row. The Buffs load behind the other windows. There is nothing I can do about this.

This is an amazing UI... the only thing that I don't care for is the fact that I can't change the background color of the chat windows to black. I can change the border... but for some reason not the background. Any ideas?

Without directly modifying the chat graphics and XML there isn't much. The Fine Marble backgrounds in the SkinPack works very nice in my opinion.

Hey I finally got UI to work and inside my Inv the picture is all distorted like it's too big i dunno what to do. I'm running it at 1280 X 1024 so if you have a suggestion please tell me thanks in advance

I know. I put the class animations in the autoequiup area of the inventory to conserve space. They are now twice as wide and twice as tall as they used to be. They really aren't distorted, but rather enlarged. Some of the animations look better than others when enlarged. p.s. I feel kinda bad making t.king's work look bad.

Possiblity of changing the spellbar from horizontal to being able to use say someone elses?

In theory this should be as simple as installing the other users mod over this one. Which Spellbar were you referring to? I may take a look at it to make sure.

Instead of the 21 buff boxes, could I have 10 in the middle and maybe 4 slots of bags and 4 slots of inventory on either side?

This isn't possable due to the way the interface handles Buffs. All 15 from the original effects window need to be in the same window for it to work, so I cant limit it to just 10. This is the same for the new 6 from the bard box. That is why there is 21 total.

also if I want to use someone else spell gems such as the WC3 spells gems and gemicons is that possible?

You can use someone elses spell icons yes, however you will need to replace them for the large spell buffs as well as the small spell icons. (Buff Bar and memorized spells). You cannot replace the gems in which they sit without seriously modifing the GUI.

How would I go about adding Filligree around the windows you did not modify?

I'd like to modify the windows with that so that they are at least uniform. Is that possible?

It is possible, however it is a HUGE pain to do. The easiest I can say is look at the other files and you will see how I did it. Each piece of filigree is added 1 at a time, and there are a LOT of them.

I am also likely going to do several of the remaining windows and release them as an AddonPack for the GUI in a few weeks or so.

What windows were you referring to specificlly?

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