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Old 03-13-2003, 08:28 PM   #1
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 8
Default Color Pallet Problems (I think)

Not really sure how to word this so I will just post the images.

Here is the image viewed from PhotoShop 7:

And this is what it looks like in EQ (notice the black on the bottome of image>

Image is 160x35 in size and File is 256x256 at 72dpi - All XML is also set to 160x35 in size

Now if i use different color combos i dont always run into this problem.

Is there a known Color Pallet to use with UI graphics? Or a workaround? T.King and the other UI Aritist use much more elaborate graphics how did they get around this?

61 Bard on Brell
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