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Old 04-27-2003, 11:04 PM   #16
A Snow Cougar
Join Date: Apr 2003
Server: Terris-Thule
Posts: 43

Thanks for that (I didn't know they could be toggled) - it is probably partially due to having them toggled off for a while, but that's not the whole story.

I actually had groupie 2's pet's bar just above groupie 3's health bar today, and I counted pixels in my screenshot and moved it up 17 (putting it 21 below groupie 2's F/name X value), and it disappeared again.

I will continue to tinker, but the only real downside is not being able to tell when the bard or chanter has charmed a pet. I'm not concerned with pet health per se.

Perhaps, instead of a gauge, I could just color in a 2x2 pix area with the pet's health value, just to color in a dot? I may play with that if I don't get the gauge working.
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