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Old 08-14-2002, 12:19 PM   #23
A Snow Griffin
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 53

Wow! Verrrrrry nice!

Being a developer myself I gotta ask...

Is this your first .NET project? How is C# as compared to let's say VB.NET (which I'm familliar with)? Are you making any enterprise features (e.g. built-in sharing of mods/skins), or is it a strictly desktop application? What is the most difficult component for you (XML parsing, Graphic handling, etc.)?

A friend of mine wrote a very similar application on VC++ for another company. Well, it wasn't very similar, for instance the data was drawn from database (SQL Server), not XML. But the overall structure of that application was very close to what you're creating. It took him over a year co realease a version 1.0 (with countless betas before that of course), so I'm wondering how long you've been working on this project.

From the looks of it this editor will be everyone's dreams come true. I know I can't wait to play around with it
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