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Old 06-04-2003, 09:56 PM   #20
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 4
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There is no Varent, SOE bought them 2 years ago, please keep up..

Thanks for pointing that out. It's too bad that 85% of the player base still says "Verant" this and "Verant" that. People rarely seperate the two (Sony Online and Verant), even though they really should. However, you don't need to treat me like a child.

Let me 'discuss' the screenshots (again) then.

From those screenshots, this is what I get:

1) New art with high poly counts will require more 'high end' machines with insane specs (well, insane for now, but maybe more 'moderate' as the months plod on - however I think not). As is stands, I currently run a 1.2gig 512RAM GeForce Ti400 128MB and a cable modem with Windows ME. I still get bad lag, and that's with low poly models. I'll be very interested in seeing what the final specs for Eq2 are (saves for Alienware).

2) Dynamic shadowing is pretty interesting (see the kerran necro shot for what I'm talking about). But it will, of course, take up more memory to load etc...However, will make darker environments with less light (or mostly candle light which seems to be a prominent theme) have more 'ambience'.

3) Fire attack from Nagafen: Looks good. Particle effects and environmental changes seem to be right on target for him. However, Nagafen is one of their highest poly count models. Will be interesting to see what 25 people, a dragon and spell effects will do in that area.

4) The exploding moon of Luclin and the corresponding particle trainls in the sky are AMAZING. But I was under the impression that the moon totally exploded, raining down bits onto Norrath, thusly destroying most of what there was? Shouldn't there be just like 'part' of the moon in the sky? Something reminiscent of 'The Time Machine' where Earth's moon explodes and as the movie progresses, you see just parts of it in the sky.

All in all, I'm not that impressed with the screenshots. I also watched the E3 video. Still not that impressed. I also got the low down from all my friends who went to E3 (we're all professional game devs) and watched the demo and got the information. They said it was 'eh'.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Pretty pictures do not a good game make. I'm definately going to wait for the reviews to see whether or not I should spend time on EQ2.

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