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Old 06-06-2003, 06:15 PM   #1
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 2
Default Modified Group Window to 6 People

I've been working on modding grpwindow-squares(loy fixed).zip to allow for the player to be included at the top.

As a cleric, this is the best one I've found to let you know when a group members life is low, and as a cleric I find myself forgetting my own life quite a bit. Hence, this combination.

I've got some wierd things though. I had to create a 6th version of everything, and for some reason the last grouper's pet bar is showing all the time, can't figure out why.

It's almost as if there is something covering most of the window, except what you explicitly tell it not to. Like a background covering up labels and things. Why do I think this? Well, pet bars 1-5 don't show up, and if you fix the xml file to be compliant with the patches (i.e. stick those hp percentages in there) 1-5 of those don't show up either.

I wanted to attach a screen shot, but you can't attach more than one file, and I need to attach the tga file. (tga file is zipped to allow posting)

Anyone got any ideas?

The attached zip file contains:

EQUI_GroupWindow.xml (my modded file)
Group.tga (my modded graphics)
GroupWindow.jpg (Screen Shot in game)
Attached Files
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