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Old 06-21-2003, 08:40 PM   #28
A Crystal Gargoyle
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 96

Originally posted by Raynsmajic
How did you get to lvl 52 in 3 months?!?! do you ever get off your somputer? hehe. that's amazing.

Well you see... Kasporov started out twinked from the little money I made on my druid porting around. The gear I put on him got him to 25ish just fine. Then around then my 61ish at the time bard friend twinked him out with much better things. And not much PLing at all, maybe 2 early 30ish levels by my estimates. Yea pretty much knowing where to go, searching the net on necro forums and sites finding good spots, and doing splurts of leveling. Most people don't seem to do this, but I find a good spot and almost ride it out non-stop til the exp sucks. Being a necro, I have to switch spots often since I tend to mow down solo camps fairly quickly. Kudane got it right, knowing where to go, having a bit of assistance sometimes, it's not that hard. FYI playing time is 13 days, 10 hours, at least 2 days spent in bazaar trader mode ;D

Edit: P.S. I've played both so I know, NECROS ARE BETTER SOLOERS THAN DRUIDS... despite what anyone else says. Kiting is not nearly as efficient as fear kiting, root dotting is pathetic compared to what necros do. Ever heard of a druid trying to kite, o lets say, a cobalt drake?!?!?! Hell no, with a 500 nuke that dispels, that sow or kei won't last too long. But a necro can take a cobalt drake with NO PROBLEM. Fearkiting works like a charm on caster mobs. You tell me what's better, having 0 chance of getting hit and letting pet do ur fighting, or draining your entire mana bar and running around in circles while getting nuked. Point made.
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