Thread: An Idea!
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Old 08-29-2003, 06:13 PM   #9
A Treant
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First, Haliken, I so do not want to reuse other peoples art work. Some of it is very good mind you, but I am going for a completely different sensibility here. However, I am also not a "great" detail artist... so as this progresses, i will welcome assistance in spiffing things up from any ofthe VERY accomplished artisans on this site... if they are so interested.

Second, I do want to develop this as a new UI, but will be working on it from the perspective of having it used in Mac EQ, which will, unfortunately, be two releases behind PC EQ after Dungeons is out. If there is enough interest from you PC folks, I will try and keep a PC dev going as this one progresses.

AND... without futher ado, this is what I have put together so far... CornerUI_v.01

It's only graphics at the moment, and I have tried to move away from straight lines in the corner. I thought I'd be moving faster then I am, but making final decisions on where things will go and what size they will be is more work then I thought.

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