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Old 09-03-2003, 01:36 PM   #7
Rapting flames
A Fire Beetle
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I foudn out in my experance that that hotcommand dont work

here is why:
/cast 1
/pasue ( casting time)

these first two commands work well togeather it works fine after that it gets confuseing. since your singing the song you will have to stop the song. so...

/cast 2 would stop the song
/pause (casting time) you would end up waitting the next few seconds for the next song to cast

/cast 3
/pause (casting time) these would work properly

/cast 4
/pause (casting time) these again would be screwed up cuse aigan your stoping the origianl song.

if you want to do a hot key it would work more like this

/stop song
/cast 1
/pause ( casting time)
/cast 2

and since that is allt he spaces you have you would have to make a second hot key similur to the one above

just my experance
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