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Old 08-17-2002, 07:38 PM   #78
A Shissar Disciple
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 112

Originally posted by Spooks
I've found a few problems with this UI. It has a lot of transparency issue. If you set the normal level to 0, almost none of the windows are functional. For instance, I don't want the border around my buffs. If I only have 3 buffs up, I have this long border running down my screen. You should be able to remove this by setting transparency to 0. Instead, it deletes the buff icons and all you're left with is the name of the buffs. this happens a lot. If you try to make the player window transparent, it removes the icons for attack, ac, etc, and just leaves the numbers. Same thing with the hotbox window, only to a much large extenct. Trying to make the hotbox window should get rid of the bacground, and leave just the buttons. Instead it removes the entire buttons and just leaves the text.

Also, for the caster UI, it would really be great, if you could stop the box right after the AAXp, since casters don't much care about AC and atk. That's just wasted space.

For the grouping window, remove the invite and disband buttons. THis would free up a lot of space, and I don't know many people who use them anyway. ctrl i and d is so much easier.

Also for the caster mod, add a spellboook to the bottom of the spell icons. That would mean people wouldn't have to use a hotbuttom or type book to open it up.

Here's a graphical example of some of these problems.

But I'm not complaining, just offering a few suggestions. Fantastic mod!

I noticed also that if you make the buff box equal 0 when they fade that it makes the buff icons disappear. I am a warrior so I don't know about the spell icons... but my fix for the buff icons is to make the Fade=0 and the Normal=90 (or whatever you want it to be) and that way it makes the border fade out but leaves the icons and text and such viewable (it kinda seems to work different than most boxes). Just my 2 cp.

Cragzak Bonehead ~ Baron Ogre Warlord
Tarew Marr Server
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