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Old 08-18-2002, 09:16 AM   #81
A Treant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 27

I absolutely love this mod and I'm now using it for basically all of my characters. Truly fantastic work.

I would like to get some help if possible on making two slight modifications. The W3 icons for resists and stats are nice but I'd rather make better use of that space for viewing my stats so what I'm looking for is the following:

1) Modify the player window bar underneath the AA XP bar by removing the icons for Str, AC and Atk and rearranging things to include the following (text only):

Str: xxx Wis: xxx HP: xxxx / xxxx
Sta: xxx Int: xxx AC: xxxx
Agi: xxx Cha: xxx Atk: xxxx
Dex: xxx

2) Remove the icons for resists and simply put PR, MR, DR, FR and CR in their places. Someone may have already done this one but can't remember if they still used the icons as well.

That's really it. I can live with the resists one but the first change would really be a big help since it enables you to see all your stats, which I like.

Again, looking for some help on how to do this. I don't really know XML at all but would appreciate any help.


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