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Old 10-16-2003, 10:21 PM   #20
Manaetic Prototype IX
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Originally posted by kenney
I can see that working some what, all ppl that have sence heading to 200 should get 2 AAs ...

Only problem. What about the people who aren't at the level where they get AA's?

Targeting - Sometimes it can be difficult to tell which NPC you have targeted. With the next update we hope to add a targeting indicator of some sort (something like the ring that surrounds your target in EQOA). The exact form hasn't been decided, but the goal is to make seeing what you currently have targeted much easier.

Quite a few games have already implemented this aside from EQOA. About time that they figured this out. EQ may be ahead of its times in some areas, but its still first generation in others.

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