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Old 11-16-2003, 07:59 PM   #40
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 8

Hey man!

I really like this new improvment to your UI, with the long hotbutton bar with stats and such. It makes me make my chat windows alot bigger, and text is not split in more rows as fast.

I have a request for you if I may be so bold to ask. I have been using infinity ui for a long time now, but with this new hotbuttonbar it made all the difference, so I'm stepping over to your side.

There is one thing that I could change with the infinity ui, and that's the spellbuffduration windows, and songs. I could take a custom made and just cut and paste it into the infinity ui and get the setup that I wanted. For some reason I cannot do that with yours. It turns up with the nice frames and all around it, but it only posts the name of the buff that I have up, and not the graphics of the buff, and If I want to click the buff off, I cant touch it.

So, the request would then be if you could make a spellbuffwindow like the one I'm gonna link a picture to below. And hopefully it will fit in my uisetup where I placed the default spellbuff slots. Or, if you could explain what I need to do, to make a custom buffwindow work with you ui? What files to remove and so on. That would work to.

Those spellbuff setups that you guys use, confuses me abit.

I would really appreciate any help or suggestions from you in this.

This is what my setup looks like.


This is the spellbuff setup that I would like for it to look like. But within your frames.

Spell Buff Setup (top to bottom)

(the same look for the 6 short duration songs)

ps. Even though alot of people really likes the spellbuff setup now, to get more options would be incredible. But, only a suggestion. ds.

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