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Old 11-20-2003, 06:51 PM   #32
A Hill Giant
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I was reading alot of the posts and some of you make no sence = ) to me the sleeper is kinda just like "The Tribunal" in PoJ, instant death when you attack lol 20k nukes etc. They are not ment to be killed, BUT set up so if you can, you can. Like bankers in citys, or the boats way back when FoH sank it lol. He is a BIG part of the story lines of EQ and EQ2, one thing I think is kinda dumb though... is how he can only be awakein one time..... that to me is kinda retarded... why not do that then with Quarm? hes got a part in the story too.... as a matter of fact why do ANY of the gods respawn? The sleeper being a HUGE part of the origonal EQ the one I started playing on and fell in love with. oh well... what does my say matter = ) no one listens to the little guys. Big gratz to you guys for killing the seemingly unkillable almighty sleeper!
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