Thread: Melee Chat Log
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Old 11-25-2003, 05:32 AM   #2
A Snow Cougar
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Posts: 41
Default Paladins are now going to be "penalized" as meleers now.

I am all for change and equalization. But in my opinion, here lately, it seems that changes have been made for reasons that are really unclear and in some cases slap those of us who have played EQ for 3 years across the face. Take the recent maxing out of "sense heading" to all players. What about all of us who wore out our keyboards by hammering our sense heading hotkey over and over and over? We wasted all that time and effort perfecting a skill that now everyone has. When some of us started, we had to fight "Hell Levels" at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50. Did we get any equalization for the time and EXP we lost when those levels were downgraded? NO. Its to the point where Verant/Sony should just make everyone a Level 50 at start up and to hell with the lower levels. Don't worry about pissing off all the people who bought EQ when there were no expansions, who have well been paying every month for 2 to 3 years now. Because what we had to do back then has been changed so drastically that the people just starting are playing a easier, friendlier and DIFFERENT game then we did. You are making the game easier...too damn easy if you ask me. You have taken away too much of the charm and adventure of the game in an attempt to make leveling easier and quicker. And again, you are basically telling all off us who started this game that our efforts, the time we spent going through the harder parts (hell levels and such) was wasted. Well thanks alot. It seems to me that the changes have been made in an attempt to get more "adolescent" players. You are not looking for adult players anymore. Good strategy.

And now, lets give all the meleers an edge. Let's not do anything though for the Paladins and "bastard" classes. I mean, you have give the Paladins such great and powerful spells, right? And now with our inferior spells, you are going to make us inferior meleers. Good plan! Who wouldn't want to play a Paladin after you do this? Think about it for just a second. In trying to make the pure meleers more desirable, you are going to make playing a Pallie unsavory. Ther is NO REASON to play one after you pull off this end run. When a Paladin cannot melee with the Warrior, and since a Paladin already cannot heal as well as a Cleric, why would anyone play one? You are doing to the Paladin what you did to the Druid many years ago...screwing them over totally. A "tank" and a Cleric in a group make a Paladin totally unnecessary AND unwanted in a group. Thanks alot.

Now I understand there is a need to "equalize" the classes, to give no class any advantage over another. But everytime you guys do one of these "fixes" you totally screw over another. To be honest, after you do this one, why don't you just delete all the Paladins. After you totally screwed the Druids a few years ago, you should have deleted them. You have basically made them nothing more than taxi cabs after all the changes you made. But when you screw over the Pallies, you may as well destroy the class totally. No one needs them anymore.

Thanks again for giving it to me again..

Oh and one other thing...before you start adding mor eproblems, how about fixing the existing problems..the lag, the freezing and the ungodly zone time its taking to zone. I bought a new Sony Computer equipped with hardware above and beyond what is necessary for this game, and I can barely move at times since the last patch. How about we fix what isn't working before we start adding more stuff that won't work?
One love, one heart. Let's get together and feel alright.
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