Thread: Melee Chat Log
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:18 AM   #22
A Snow Griffin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 53

ahh kudane loves me!!!
But on the pally undead thing thats been brought to light I agree with jlpicard to some extent we are not the slayers of undead we could be but I also agree with Ronandar that we are the best of the buisness. Heres where I see the problem the dd spells cost to much mana and are mana pulls are insufficent for the set task. I generally look for equip that ups my sta so that when grouping the Planes I'm a sufficent tank but if i'm gonna be an undead caster I need to look for higher wis gear. Now don't get me wrong I have a wis of 203 but this still comes up lacking when I'm in mm I can have VoQ on and if I use my dd spells the way I'd like to I burn through mana quick. I can usually cast deny about once per mob maybe twice.

I think all will agree this should be a good adjustment for the warriors among us. It may give the pally class a little competition in the tanking field among groups but as once said if you know your class people on your server will know you as a good player and you will still be desired in groups.

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