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Old 12-01-2003, 04:40 PM   #51
A Bat
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 1
Default power

My 2 cents

I have a 65 necro and a 40 druid. Necro power is by far the way to go .. EG. take a druid to veksar and tell him to solo 5 rare spawn points. The druid will laugh at you saying that the mobs summon and there is no way .. I do this on a daily basis with my necro . As for a bard being the best soloers .. what do they do when a MoB summons ? They run like a girls soccer team when it starts raining to the zone .. Shamans are good at soloing but thier pet sucks big turds. All in All no other class can solo so many different places with all the different MoBs that sony has to throw at you.

crusaders of drunken might
fennin ro

P.S. the only zone i have not soloed in .. including the old planes is the last tier of PoP. I have even soloed in Ldon ( very well ) on an adventurewhere my group decided to bail.
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