Thread: Question
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Old 07-28-2002, 01:44 PM   #24
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 16

Geddine, you are right, certain things are required. Those certain things are child elements, and they are required because something in the xml is referencing them somewhere, or is telling something where they are.

I completely concur with the fact that, with the knowledge we have currently, certain things cannot be done. This topic is to discuss, and further our knowledge so that those things can be done.

Such as taking all the information from the PlayerWindow, and putting it in the HotKeyWindow without any stupid XML errors =D

I will find out, eventually, how to move these things, and make it all work, OR, I will find out precisely why it cannot be done, not just wild speculation on the part of "It just cant be done".
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