Thread: 1600x1200?
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Old 12-18-2003, 09:29 AM   #1
A Bat
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1
Default 1600x1200?

I searched and saw this has been spoken of before. but it seems to continually fall into disuse. the most recent 1600x1200 UI I liked was xymarra's version.

I'm using drakahlegacy now tho since I'm apparently stuck in 1240x1280 in xym or legacy. Can someone enlarge legacy (drakah?) to be 1600x1200? or update xymarra's 1600x1200? I feel BLIND with such low res on but need the elite UIs. default is not good.

I want black 1600x1200 xymarra or a 1600x1200 enlarged drakah. really the only "problem" with using legacy at 1600x1200 is the compass bar is too short. but you also have issues of small buff icons and numbers and all. dont want everything enlarged. but a few things like text on the player/group windows and the spell names next to their spell slots.

sorry if this is ask before. I like all UIs even as are but like 1600 more.
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