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Old 02-04-2004, 09:50 AM   #4
A Tempest Toad
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Default Re: T. King Celtic w/ Class Ani & Other

Originally posted by Keote
....The curious thing, unless I'm wrong, is that the download package includes the EQ_ani file that you suggest Remmy has a hard time editing.[/i]

remmy.exe does not include an EQUI_animations.xml file, which is edited when it executes. His program creates a copy of the existing animations file and calls it EQUI_an.

... I notice that the inventories other than Celtic load fine but create some transparancy glitches at the upper right hand corners of all windows (clear small box with the "X" visible in the middle)

Let me know which inventories you are talking about and I can take a look at them.

and some borders missing (like around the spell effects).

This sounds like a templates issue. Either the wrong template file was included in the download or the template was removed from your ui folder.

Also, I notice the Celtic pet window lacks a close button, and even after closing it several times it keeps popping back up when one zones. Can't seem to minimize it either (and it is a bit large).

You can turn off the popping pet window off in the options window. Also, the new Cetlic 2.0 SE does not include a pet window, but uses the default one with a border to match the rest of the UI.

Anyway sorry for the long post, and maybe these are specific issues only for me. It's just frustrating when we UI noobs have issues with these most excellent UIs!

No problem.

Kuvasie ~ Sherry
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