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Old 02-11-2004, 10:24 AM   #1
A Ghoul
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 16
Default Cairenn? Anyone?

Ive been trying to find something for awhile, the TK boards seem... well... dead. He created some life/mana/etc. meters or gauges that i saw in one of your complete UI's Cairenn. He has a pic shown on his boards, but no place to download them as a stand alone mod. I only use a few mods for specific windows and had to hack out the window_pieces01.tga file that contains these meters from one of your UI's. However in doing so it has slightly messed up a few portions of things because its using parts of your custom UI. Is there anyway to get this TGA file with just the meters modified? Thanx in advance for any help.

P.S. im not good with TGA files, so i dont really wanna mess with it myself.

P.P.S. I attempted to slice out the meters from the tga file i borrowed from your UI Cairenn, and carefully inserted it into the new default (copy thereof) window_pieces01.tga. However in doing so the meters are now in bubble shape almost (very rounded) instead of the original design of smooth and flat. /boggle. I can only assume there is something else im missing that i need to change.

Help! Please!
a.k.a. Quevven, 65th Teir'dal Coercer
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