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Old 02-14-2004, 12:27 PM   #8
A Crystal Gargoyle
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Server: Lanys T'Vyl
Posts: 99

Like this UI a lot. I use it now that "Icey Blue" is out of commission. Have one peeve tho. I like to set a lot of my windows to transparent so I have a better screen view. When I do it with this UI I seem to lose the numbers on the spell cast window. No biggie as I usually know my pattern and what key to hit without seeing the number (or can count down quick), but it would be nice to have them. I do change spell sets sometime! Also missing the color con arrow in the target window but I use the target ring color for con usually anyway. Also wish the pet window was sizable so it would show more buffs but I think I know how to do that by myself.
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