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Old 02-21-2004, 07:50 AM   #1
A Bat
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1
Default Buff Window/ Bard Gem Slots

First, The current default Ui for the Buff Window add:
instead of when buffs are wearing off have the icon blinking and blink faster to tell us its wearing off in like 2 sec... MAKE the buff have a timer so it would look like this

1.Speed of Wolf | | | | | | | | | 2.15|
2. Ressurection | | | | | | | | | 1.00|

etc.. where the | | | | area has a filled in bar that is empting to 0 , and keep the buff blinking when it gets to say 10 sec left before it wears off ... the 2.15 is obviously the minutes /seconds that the buff has left to be there before it wears off and make the numers match the graffic..

Second, This is mainly for bards The current spell gem system is great if your a caster and need to cast one spell , but for bards its the worst thing in the game. If you try to twist 3 song continusly you will know what i am talking about either you have hot keyed your songs to a macro or your fingers are killing you after 1 hr of game play...MAKE THIS:

Add a special Bard only twist window, where what ever spell you mem goes to your normal gem container but you have the option to copy the same gem to a new window with lets say for example 6 gem slots or less. This window would have a stop and a start button , Then the bard enter s lets say selo acc, haste, mana song in the top 3 gems of the 6 slot special window. and hits the start button .. the bard will auto twist starting with the first gem in line.. obviously if the bard adds liek 6 gems then the 1st song would have ended by the time say the 3rd or forth one started like normal. this will save peoples mice , it will stop people from using third party macro programs just to play thier class and it will make more people think about playing a bard and make the bard class more enjoyable! Todays system you can almost do this with hotbutton macros but there is no start stop button , and no way to repeat it w/o manually hitting the buttons non stop!
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