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Old 02-24-2004, 08:09 AM   #14
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 18

The resizeable UI above allows you to stretch the map window to any size you need. Just grab the sides and stretch the box. The only two drawbacks are:

- The map itself will not resize to fit the box. I overcome this by simply stretching the box to the size I need, then type /loadskin (modname) 1. The UI reloads, the map is now the size of my box.

- The lack of the ability to have a background in the map often renders it difficult to see. The map window is always in HUD mode, no background at all. If there was the ability to add a background texture, or color that would make it easier to use in some areas.

I love it though, I use it exclusively. The ability to change its size to fit my needs is invaluable.
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