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Old 05-07-2004, 08:33 AM   #26
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 3
Default Please, no Epic 2.0!

Nothing has caused more KSing, training, and people just generally being unplesant to each other than epics. Remember all the folks that quit your guild because, "I'm not getting any help with my epic!" Remember the folks that quit your guild with a, "thanks for the epic I got yesterday!"

Epics made people fight with their friends, their guild, other guilds, other people, and just generally turn into whiney babies. I thought I read somewhere that Sony didn't want to put in Epic 2 for these very reasons. Now they're going ahead and doing it? Unbelievable.

At least it will be awhile before most people have to deal with this stuff. It looks like Epic 2.0 is aimed at the same folks that Epic 1.0 was aimed it -- the folks in the end game currently.
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