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Old 05-25-2004, 01:30 AM   #3
Enhanced Imperial Golem
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 200

I agree with archer on the first part. The reason why neither computer can see each other on the network is that there might not be anything that the other computer can see. In order for computer A to see computer B, something on computer B has to be shared. Since you've taken Cisco classes, I'll assume you know enough about MS opertating systems to share folders or drives on a PC. I have an MCSE, but when I first networked my two PCs at home, I could see computer B from Computer A, but could not see Computer A from computer B. Spent over an hour trying to figure this out, and then I realized that I had not shared any files, folders, or drives on Computer A. I shared a single file on Computer A, and like magic, Computer A showed up in Computer B's network neighborhood.

As for the pinging problems, I have a few questions:

What exactly do you mean by they can see each other on the workgroup but not on the network?? Feel free to use as much techno-geek language as you need to answer this question.

How are you computer's networked?? Hub, router, direct connection, etc?? Please include as much info as you can including manufacturer and model number of any networking equipment you have.

Not sure this would be relevant, but it might. What type of internet connection do you have??

I assume that in mentioning your pinging problem, you're trying to ping each computer from the other. I'm also assuming you know that the ip addresses you provided are essentially virtual "fake" ip addresses. Only the computers on the immediate network will be able to see them. For any other computer outside that network, it is technically not possible for them to ping either computer on your network.

Hmm.... now that I think about it, since both PCs are getting internet, but can't ping each other, it seems as if you've somehow setup a firewall between the two PCs. This is possible if the PCs in question have some sort of individual firewall software or hardware. I know it's also possible to do this intentionally using a commercially available home networking kit, so I imagine it's possible to do so accidentally.

Anyway, I've rambled too much.

To summarize, how are your PC's networked, what type of internet connection do you have, and do you have any type of firewall protection for either PC??
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