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Old 06-07-2004, 08:49 AM   #7
A Snow Griffin
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default I think it's the big push off AGAIN by Sony

I think Sony is just blowing wind again, they never finished the melee enhancement, Warriors still cannot hold aggro, do the same amount or anywhere near the same amount of damage of the hybrid classes, yes I am a firm believer that a PURE MELEE CHARACTER should outdamage any hybrid class at any given time, that's why hybrids have spells to make up for the damage they cannot do that a pure melee class can.

No word on any zone fixes... IE, take a walk around Kaladim with a backpack or two, filled with ore and try going to the forges without taking damage from falling from the ceilings taking damage while going uphill.

Have you seen the new /petition (Customer Service Window)? Personally I think it stinks that they FORCE YOU to go through the knowledge base BEFORE being able to enter a petition in, try finding a drop down menu that actually APPLIES to your problem, and see how long it ACTUALLY takes them to give you ANY sort of answer to a petition if you can even enter one. Oh and I LOVE how they give ANY type of information on how to even use the thing. Personally I think it's Sony's way of just pushing players away and letting the GM/GUIDES get away without having to actually do their jobs and help the player base. My first petition under the new window took 3 days to be even looked at, before it was even answered. I currently have one in for a missing corpse from being gravity fluxed by a dragon in WW, this one is well over 10 hours old already with no hope for help to find it, had guildmates try and sumon it to no avail .

How about the massive amounts of LAG since Sony giving away POK to players who did not pay for it, even after how many of us actually payed for it, just think summer time is coming up and school is letting out, just think of how much mor etraffic is going to be coming to POK in the upcoming week.

This one I love how about the IDLE TIME OUT? This one is great, sit around on ANY character long enough and you get booted from the game telling you that you didn't do anything, and that you were booted, only to have to relog once again. According to Tech this IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

How about placing a tech or two into chat, this way GM's/GUIDE's don't just sit there making players more frustrated by them telling players to go talk to tech? Why isn't there a mandatory badword filter in there to free up GM's/GUIDE's to be in-game helping players with problems?

How about actually taking a couple of months to actually FIX in-game problems instead of trying to milk more money out of us to buy an expansion. I personally am quite peeved at Sony for making "GOD" open to what seems to be UBBER guild content, with little hope of the casual gamer or people who belong to smaller guilds, seeing any type of the content or game play from these zones. Seems sad that they MAKE you HAVE to buy an expansion, for example, things like 8 more bank slots, going past level 65 with your character, when you won't be able to go to any of the zones or see hardly any of the content they made for what Sony considers UBBER GUILDS.

Oh yeah how about the poor MACINTOSH players who got ripped off? No I don't own a Mac, but I personally think it's unfair that they paid quite a bit of money, only to be told, that Sony will not be doing any more coding or fixing for them, because they are to cheap to actually hire or train anyone to do what they told these people they would do.

What does Sony actually do with the information they get from /bug, /report, /feedback commands? I have never seen any data transferred to or from their servers or from my pc when you do one. I have looked into this one as much as possible and have yet to see anyone who has seen any data being transferred during one of those commands. Even if it is being transferred, WHY doesn't Sony do something about what is reported to them?

Why doesn't Sony have a toll free number for tech support or their customer service? I don't know about you but I love calling the West Coast from the East coast and waiting for say about 45 minutes plus to actually talk to someone, oh that is if you don't get transferred back into the beginning of their cue or hung up on without anyone even answering you, while your listening to their message about how the next available representative will be with you as soon as possible. Why aren't they 24/7 they have the money, the means, and the people to do this, why does it always seem they take the easy way out instead of keeping what pays their bills running smoothly?

Why don't they make personalizing your UI more easy for any player? They have the software, they have the means, they could easily put out some of these limited use programs out there for the casual gamer to use.

When are they actually going to have a patch that actually works? I love seeing this patch, that fixes the patch, that fixed the last patch, which fixed the original patch, should work. Me and a friend of mine ran a MUD for well over 7 years and we all had our very own test server, including 2 of our other coders, and NOTHING was placed live UNTIL everyone knew it was going live and was bug free. We also MADE SURE that we didn't overwrite each other code by trying to add something on top of someone elses code. On top of this we worked from UPDATED TEST SERVERS, which ment, if I coded something new it was live on their test server while they were doing their code so that there were no problems, like Sony claims they have, come on people buy a dry erase board and get informed already.

There are many many more things I could bring up here and I HOPE that they were brought up at this summit. Sorry to make this seem like a rant but I've been playing for over 4 years and have yet to see Sony do something for the players that didn't cost them more or make them more peturbed at them. Everything Sony has promised to the player base, either comes out half a$$ed or dies someplace and they casually sweep it under the carpet.

All you are and all you see is all your life will ever be.
Pink Floyd
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