Thread: Eqim
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Old 07-18-2004, 05:00 AM   #7
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by Roger Sewell
Heya Zone, at this time, EQIM cannot connect to the guild chat because EQIM is connecting to the Channel Server, and not the World Server, so basically it recognises your character, but not guild affiliations. So if you want to talk to your guild, create a "Guild Channel" and have your entire guild join it. Passwording it would be a good idea as well.

If you an unfamiliar with how to do so, here is the format.

/join ChannelName:Password


/join EQinterface:8675309

Thank you to Orion for the link, we'll be altering the web page shortly to make it easier to find/download.

I haven't used EQIM in a while. I didn't have any problems talking to people but I had a few anoyances. I had to add people to my buddy list just to talk to them otherwise it would sit there forever doing nothing.
I don't remember connecting to any channels....
I do specificly remember that it would not connect to my guilds serverwide officer's channel. (Some of our officers are active on other servers, this alows the users to go over to the officer channel and talk to an officer if there is any in EQ Land anywhere (the officers are required to auto-join all of their characters.)

I was not able to connect to the serverwide chat channels for like the clerics (/join serverwide.cleric:cleric). It would either give me an error or it would give me nothing....a blank line.

This was back when DX9 was made a requirement, for about 2 or 3 weeks I was working to try to get back into EQ (3 reinstalls of 98SE, several diffrent versions of my graphics driver, EQTech emails, emails to my card vendor.
EQTech basicly told me to bug-off. My ATI Radeon 7000 with 32MB of DDR-RAM wasn't supported so get a new card or stop bugging us....and what are you doing STILL running 98SE??
I never got a human in email a ATI.....

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