Thread: Yes , No box
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Old 07-18-2004, 03:01 PM   #8
Enhanced Imperial Golem
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 200

Originally Posted by AloneStarwalker
i believe it happens if an ui has a smaller than default confirmation box, and then you relaod default, and then another ui, i believe it some bug with it not reading the size of the box from the xml, but from character ui file.

This is EXACTLY the case. If you want to reproduce this problem, use any ui that has a smaller than normal confirmation window. (btw, this is the window that's used for rez confirmation, dropping an item, etc... anything that should have yes/no buttons at bottom). What happens is that for some reason, the smaller size of the confirmation window is saved in the ui_char_server.ini file. When you then switch to another ui, or even back to the default ui, the interface still reads the ini file for the size of the confirmation window. The buttons are still technically there, but they are below the visible portion of the window. That is, the window is 150 x 100 pixels, but the buttons are being drawn starting at position 0 x 125. Those who have the problem, if they look carefully, will notice that the confirmation box with the missing buttons is smaller than the normal confirmation box.

Ideally, when you switch to a ui that has normal sized confirmation boxes, the ini file should be updated with the size of the confirmation box from the xml file, but for this particular window it isn't. With most windows, only the position of the window is determined by the setting in the ini file with the size being determined by the values in the xml file. HOwever, with this window, both the position and the size of the confirmation window are determined by the ini file regardless of what the xml file says.

The fix from SOE is obvious. Make the confirmation box, like the rest of the windows in the ui, determines its size from the xml file, and determine it's postion (and ONLY it's position) from the ini file.
58 Druid of Bertoxxulous
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