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Old 09-15-2004, 12:13 AM   #272
A Ghoul
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 15

Happily enough, it seems something like 90% of the changes do *not* require an OoW subscription to patch in and test. Unlike the last silly change that was so sadisticly evil this one seems to be fairly simple and straight forward. I have little reason to buy OoW after the horrid GoD release and the issues ppl are *still* having with its content but simply to be rid of the error message it's worth attempting to keep up with the changes to the UI, especially as much as I absolutely love this UI

If it would simplify your life Centhena, I would be willing to do what I can with the updates and email the modded files to you or something

After some testing and fiddling I have managed to get all but the options window updated to my satisfaction after the OoW patch. What Im looking at doing with the options window is moving the new "advanced options" button from the 2nd tab where it deafults to the first tab that already has a ton of buttons. This is as much for ascetics as just making sense to me and seemingly less work than reorganizing the second tab. (I'll be done with this in about 10 minutes Hurricane Ivan permitting)

The only assistance I would need from Centhena to keep everything looking right is a mod on the art for the CastSpellWnd so the 9th spellgem has a border. I'll be the first to admit art is just not my thing and I leave it to those better than myself.
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