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Old 01-25-2005, 12:37 PM   #40
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by psychosis
Comon people. back off SOE a touch here.

Im a programer <web dev>, I have friends that are game programers.

I have seen what goes into modifying something like this.

Take this for instance.

-Update 1 Character Model
-- Keep it withing 3 kilobytes of current game model, smaller if possible (Who remembers the Luclin Lag on release of new models)
-- make 60 animation models for social combat spellcasting ect... (See above Size Requirements)
-- revamp 18000 pieces of Armor, Weapons, Items to correclty display with this new model (Make sure that they will all work on new templates with all new characters also)

I know this is just numbers but here we go.......

Thats Roughly

Some things are simple and can be done 200 - 300 a day like weapons and armor and items.

Others are not so simple and have to wait on several things to be done.

Character Model - Wireframe - Collision Coding - Animation Modeling - Texture Skinning - Tuning of each step so that it actually work (Minimum 6 times or more)

To do one character will take 10 people at a minimum 3 weeks.

Remember they are also having to work to the "LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR" the least powerful PC that can handle the requirements.

Do I think they will do this. Yes

Do I think it will happen this year. Possibly

Do we need to relax and let them get work going and give us updates. Yes

We have shown them we were listening and Bralnos reponse shows hes open to the idea. I wouldnt stress about it too much.

Your numbers are way, way off here. There are very, very few items which do not share a graphic with other items, thus they would not even have to change the tags for said items, only reference them to the new models, which is much different than 'inventing' 15mil new renderings.

If it were even remotely as difficult as you post, they would still be working on the original models.

The FACT is they have HAD time, they HAVE the money, and they are blowing us off.

You cannot possibly deny this game exists purely on community.

We have had very, very little interaction with the customer relations people, given the scope of the game and the SAME BUGS THAT HAVE EXISTED FOR YEARS. There are things not in game that were promised from the ORIGINAL RELEASE..that we are about to pay for in a new expansion (guild halls?)

I have seen this game develop since beta 2, and I KNOW what has been stated as being 'worked on' and what has not been addressed.

My system is nearly double the recommended specs, and OOW and GOD still run like total crap. I can run WoW like glass, there is no reason EQLive should not run BETTER.

Wake up SOE, you would not be bleeding customers if you addressed these issues.
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