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Old 01-25-2005, 12:43 PM   #41
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by Flayation
Since it is apparent that SoE is second stringing EQ1 and using it for a test bed for EQ2. Maybe the should offer an ability for us in the commuinity to manipulate some of the models for ourselves, granted anything even remotely close to us seeing the code or processes for the animations are out of the question. But skinning of the models is a totally different matter. An option similar to our ability to use customized interfaces shouldn't be that difficult to implement, have a directory like the ui's, use texture x to replace texture y when you choose to do so and revert back to default if it all goes to hell. It is probably very doable only thing that prevents it from happening now is for one it is against the EULA and two modifications of the files in question directly would cause the patcher to download a replacement due it considering it corrupted. Maybe its a pipe dream, but hey when I beat standalone games I get bored and twist them into something different and its not the hardest thing in the world to do. I do know this I won't be buying DoN or any other expansion unless it offers true improvement that I can use.

My 2cp, not that it matters much

Brilliant Idea...allow custom character models/skins just like the first person shooter genre...allow users to select whether or not to allow transfer of said custom models to their computer or view the default images. It is certain this very web site would host character model packages, and many would become standard fare, ala Tking spell icons and such.
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