Thread: Question
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Old 07-29-2002, 10:39 AM   #36
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2
Default You are probably both right

First of all, Ak seems to be assuming that Verant did things the most logical way. I hate to break it to you, but it is rare that anything is ever done the MOST logical way. They probably had reasons for doing some things in code that would have been quite a bit easier to do in XML.

Secondly, it doesn't necessarily need to be "hard coded" in the exe for it to still be "hard coded". In the rest of the world, most any XML also has a DTD. The DTD defines the structure of the XML. We aren't privy to the content of the DTD for the UI, however it is very much possible that there are mandatory elements that, if missing, could cause an XML error.

Now, the XML is being processed in code somewhere, be it in the client or some other DLL. It is very much possible that if the data that comes out of the processing of the XML does not contain certain elements that the exe will report back that there is an XML error, even if the XML parsed fine.

Since we will likely never see the internal code from Verant, until they tell us anything as fact, we cannot make any determination other than, "if I try this, it doesn't work; if I try that, it does."

So, we're down to who believes what assumptions.

I think what would be more helpful to this discussion is listing what has been tried and what the results were.

Bolelen - 51 Monk, Terris Thule
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