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Old 09-22-2005, 05:32 PM   #15
A Gray Wolf
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Posts: 4
Default My 2 cents, please donate the change to a newbie

Everyone here has made good points about changes/wishes for UI modifications, adding my wish for a WYSIWYG UI Editor. I know nothing about xml other than it is the bane of my existence after a patch. I love doing graphic art but have no idea how to make it into a useable interface. ((I know I know... stop being lazy and learn xml. ))

So I would hope that someone will bring up the long promised additional character faces/hairstyles.

I've also long heard it muttered by the old world players about how awesome the different armors used to look during the time between Velious' release and Luclin, not just 3 types of looks (leather, chain, plate). Example: I believe Tizmak did not look like regular leather. The new zones are definitely good surroundings but I personally would like to see that kind of graphics potential turned on the player characters.
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